Heat resistant bellows

Bellows are not only used under normal climatic conditions, but also in areas with high temperatures. Materials with special material qualities are used for high thermal loads.



Robust, thermally resilient, asbestos-free materials are used for heat-resistant bellows. These are heat-resistant leather and other current fabrics made of inorganic fibres: Glass fibre, Aramid, Kynol, Preox. All these materials can be laminated with aluminium foil, which gives a higher mechanical resistance. Heat resistance and mechanical stress of the materials are different, so the material must be decided in each individual case.


Heat-resistant materials are both wrapped and sewn. For large dimensions, wire rings on the inside and spiral springs on the outside ensure an exact folding process. The pull-out ratio for heat-resistant bellows is approx. 1:5. Almost all lengths and diameters from approx. 100 mm are available.


Bellows can be installed vertically and horizontally. The planned type of use determines the special design features. The bellows are used in steelworks, metallurgical plants, rolling mills, glass factories and other industrial areas. Pistons, spindles and shafts are protected from dust, flying sparks and scale. In industrial robots, moving parts and cables are protected from welding beads or increased heat radiation. In the automotive industry, they serve as thermally resilient suction hoses.